800+ Nicknames For Penis. See the Growing List.

800+ Nicknames For Penis. See the Growing List.

Have you ever stopped to consider just how creative humans get when naming things? No, not beloved pets of fantasy football teams—we’re talking about body parts here. Specifically, the penis. Sure, anatomically it's straightforward enough, but culturally? Oh, it’s the star of a linguistic comedy roast. With over 800 nicknames (and growing), the penis holds a world record in, well, being talked about.

From the cheeky, like “willy,” to the poetic (“manhood”) to the downright quirky (“tallywhacker,” anyone?), the variety of nicknames is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It’s like every era, every culture, and every frat house wanted to add their own flavor to the lineup. But here’s a question for the ages—why do we do it?

It’s All About Fascination

The answer lies in human nature. We tend to create nicknames for things we’re fascinated with, or things that hold significance in our lives. And sometimes, well, things that just make us laugh. Nicknames add flair, humor, and even intimacy, turning something basic into something personal.

Take breasts, for example—another body part that we humans have gifted endless monikers to. From “boobs” to “jugs” to “knockers,” the variety is even more impressive than the average bra aisle. And don’t even get us started on butts. “Booty,” “badonkadonk,” “dump truck”—how did rear ends earn this golden showcase of verbal creativity?

Then there’s money. Nobody’s writing love poetry to their paycheck, yet somehow we’ve coined dozens of nicknames for cash. “Cheddar,” “dough,” “moolah,” “benjamins”—it’s as if being rich wasn’t enough; the money itself had to sound delicious.

Oh, and let's not forget the much-talked-about Eskimo words for snow. These go beyond simple observation to describe it in ways other languages only dream of. There’s a word for snow that’s good for building igloos, snow that can kill you, snow that’s falling lightly, and snow that’s falling aggressively. If we love it, hate it, or deal with it daily, we’re naming it.

The King of Nicknames

But amidst all this linguistic jazz, the penis is clearly the king of nicknames. Why? Because it’s personal, it’s funny, and, for better or worse, it’s been immortalized in art, culture, and locker-room jokes since the dawn of time. It’s both a source of pride and the butt of endless humor.

There’s also the universal awkwardness that keeps us almost saying its actual name but never quite getting it out. Somehow, “Mr. Happy” feels more conversationally appropriate than “penis,” doesn’t it?

No matter what you call it, one thing remains the same. It’s got to stay clean. And that’s where Willy Wipes comes in. We know the importance of keeping your “pipe” fresh, no matter what you like to call it. After all, if you’re going to christen it with 800+ nicknames, the least you can do is treat it right. See the the list below:



  1. Anaconda

  2. Antenna

  3. Appendage

  4. Armadillo

  5. Arrow

  6. Baby Maker

  7. Baguette

  8. Bald Avenger

  9. Bald-Headed Giggle Stick

  10. Bally Wacker

  11. Banana

  12. Banger

  13. Baseball Bat

  14. Baton

  15. Bayonet

  16. Beast

  17. Beef Bayonet

  18. Beef Whistle

  19. Bellend

  20. Big Boy

  21. Big Guy

  22. Biscuit

  23. Bishop

  24. Black Mamba

  25. Blastocyst

  26. Blood Sausage

  27. Blue-Veined Custard Chucker

  28. Blue-Veined Junket Pumper

  29. Boaby

  30. Bobbin

  31. Bologna Pony

  32. Bolt

  33. Bone

  34. Boner

  35. Booboo

  36. Boom Stick

  37. Boot

  38. Bopper

  39. Botswana Beef Bayonet

  40. Bouncer

  41. Bouncing Betty

  42. Braciole

  43. Brain

  44. Branch

  45. Bratwurst

  46. Broccoli

  47. Broccoli Spear

  48. Brown Trout

  49. Brownie

  50. Bubble

  51. Bubble Gum Machine

  52. Buckaroo

  53. Buckwheat

  54. Buddah's Belly Button

  55. Buffalo Soldier

  56. Bulge

  57. Bull

  58. Bull's-Eye

  59. Bully Beef

  60. Bully Stick

  61. Bum Tickler

  62. Bumper

  63. Burrito

  64. Buster

  65. Butt Dart

  66. Butterbean

  67. Button

  68. Caber

  69. Cabeza

  70. Cactus

  71. Cadbury's C

  72. Cane

  73. Cannoli

  74. Captain Winky

  75. Capuchin

  76. Carrot

  77. Cervix Sentinel

  78. Chameleon

  79. Champignon

  80. Cheese Log

  81. Cheesestick

  82. Chef's Special

  83. Cherub

  84. Chicken

  85. Chico Stick

  86. Choad

  87. Chode

  88. Chopper

  89. Chowder

  90. Christmas Goose

  91. Chub

  92. Chubby

  93. Chuck Dickens

  94. Cigar

  95. Cinnamon Roll

  96. Classic

  97. Clit Stick

  98. Cloak

  99. Clock

  100. Club

  101. Cobra

  102. Cock

  103. Cod

  104. Colossus

  105. Commander

  106. Cone

  107. Conga

  108. Conquistador

  109. Consolation Prize

  110. Cookie

  111. Corkscrew

  112. Corn Dog

  113. Cornholio

  114. Cornish Game Hen

  115. Corporal

  116. Cossack

  117. Cougar Bait

  118. Coxcomb

  119. Crank

  120. Crankshaft

  121. Creamer

  122. Crimper

  123. Crimson Mushroom

  124. Crinkle-Cut

  125. Crown Jewels

  126. Crunchwrap

  127. Crème De La Crème

  128. Cucumber

  129. Cummerbund

  130. Custard Launcher

  131. Cylinder

  132. D's

  133. Dagger

  134. Dallas Dangler

  135. Danger Noodle

  136. Darth Vader

  137. Deep Sea Diver

  138. Dick

  139. Dickas Hilton

  140. Ding Dong

  141. Ding-Dong

  142. Dingaling

  143. Dipstick

  144. Disco Stick

  145. Dismount

  146. Divining Rod

  147. Dj

  148. Dog

  149. Doggy

  150. Dolly

  151. Dong

  152. Donkey

  153. Doorknob

  154. Dope Stick

  155. Dork

  156. Dormouse

  157. Double Barrel

  158. Double Dragon

  159. Downstairs Department

  160. Drainpipe

  161. Driller

  162. Drumstick

  163. Dude Piston

  164. Dumb Stick

  165. Dutch Courage

  166. Dutch Rudder

  167. Excalibur

  168. Firehose

  169. Franks And Beans

  170. Gerald

  171. Gherkin

  172. Goldfinger

  173. Groin

  174. Hammer

  175. Hammer Of Love

  176. Hammer Of Thor

  177. Handle

  178. Hard Drive

  179. Hard-On

  180. Hardware

  181. He-Man

  182. Heat-Seeking Missile

  183. Heat-Seeking Moisture Missile

  184. Helmet

  185. Herbie

  186. Hercules

  187. High Hard One

  188. Hook

  189. Horn

  190. Hose

  191. Hot Dog

  192. Hot Rod

  193. Hot Sausage

  194. Humphrey

  195. Hymie

  196. Iceberg

  197. Indiana Bones

  198. Jack In The Box

  199. Jack's Magic Beanstalk

  200. Jackhammer

  201. Jammy

  202. Janitor In The Hallway

  203. Java

  204. Javelin

  205. Jawbreaker

  206. Jedi

  207. Jefferson

  208. Jelly Doughnut

  209. Jenny Craig

  210. Jerry

  211. Jiffy Stick

  212. Jimmy

  213. Jizz Launcher

  214. John Henry

  215. John Johnson

  216. Johnson

  217. Jorma

  218. Joy-Stick

  219. Joystick

  220. Judge

  221. Juicy Fruit

  222. Jumbo

  223. Jumper

  224. Junior

  225. Junk

  226. Justin

  227. Justus

  228. Kaiser

  229. Kebab

  230. Keck

  231. Kennedy

  232. Kielbasa

  233. King Ding Dong

  234. King Kong

  235. King Richard

  236. King Size

  237. King Snake

  238. King's Scepter

  239. King's Sword

  240. Kipper

  241. Kitty

  242. Knob

  243. Knob Goblin

  244. Knobhead

  245. Knobkerrie

  246. Knobstick

  247. Kraken

  248. Krull The Warrior King

  249. Kulli

  250. Kyrpä

  251. L'engin

  252. L'outil

  253. L'unita

  254. Lady-Pleaser

  255. Laidy's Lollypop

  256. Lance

  257. Lancer

  258. Lava Flow

  259. Leader

  260. Leaky Faucet

  261. Leatherman

  262. Lechon

  263. Leek

  264. Leg

  265. Leg Of Lamb

  266. Leg Of Mutton

  267. Leggy

  268. Lemon

  269. Lemondrop

  270. Length

  271. Lengthy

  272. Leo

  273. Leosaurus

  274. Leper

  275. Leroy

  276. Leviathan

  277. Lick

  278. Lickety-Split

  279. Lighthouse

  280. Lightning Rod

  281. Lil' Bro

  282. Lil' Willy

  283. Lily

  284. Lima

  285. Limber Dick

  286. Limber Jimmy

  287. Limbo

  288. Limousine

  289. Limp Biscuit

  290. Limp Noodle

  291. Limp Penis

  292. Limp-Dick

  293. Limp-Jim

  294. Limpkin

  295. Lincoln

  296. Lindy

  297. Lingam

  298. Link

  299. Linty

  300. Lion

  301. Lipstick

  302. Liquidator

  303. Liquor Stick

  304. Lissome

  305. Little Birdie

  306. Little Bro

  307. Little Chap

  308. Little Guy

  309. Little Head

  310. Little John

  311. Little Man

  312. Little Peter

  313. Little Soldier

  314. Little Willy

  315. Lizard

  316. Lizard Tongue

  317. Locomotive

  318. Log

  319. Lollipop

  320. Long Dong Silver

  321. Long Fellow

  322. Long John

  323. Long Johnson

  324. Long One

  325. Long Stick

  326. Longfellow

  327. Longfellow Diller

  328. Longhorn

  329. Longie

  330. Longjohn

  331. Longshanks

  332. Longstaff

  333. Magic Mike

  334. Magic Stick

  335. Magic Wand

  336. Manhood

  337. Meat Scepter

  338. Meat Stick

  339. Member

  340. Micropenis

  341. Mini-Me

  342. Missile

  343. Moby Dick

  344. Mojo

  345. Monster

  346. Mount Vesuvius

  347. Mr. Happy

  348. Mr. Winky

  349. Mule

  350. Mushroom

  351. Mushroom Head

  352. Mutton

  353. Myrtle

  354. Nard

  355. Nether Rod

  356. One-Eye Pete

  357. One-Eyed Monster

  358. One-Eyed Monster

  359. One-Eyed Snake

  360. One-Eyed Trouser Snake

  361. One-Eyed Wonder Weasel

  362. Organ

  363. Package

  364. Packer

  365. Packing Heat

  366. Pecker

  367. Pee-Pee

  368. Peen

  369. Pencil

  370. Pencil Dick

  371. Penile Appendage

  372. Penile Shaft

  373. Penile Tissue

  374. Penile Unit

  375. Penile Weapon

  376. Penis

  377. Pepperoncini

  378. Peter

  379. Phallos

  380. Phallus

  381. Piece

  382. Pink Oboe

  383. Pintle

  384. Pipe

  385. Pistol

  386. Piston

  387. Pleasure Stick

  388. Plonker

  389. Pocket Rocket

  390. Pogo Stick

  391. Poker

  392. Pole

  393. Popcorn

  394. Pork Sword

  395. Prick

  396. Private

  397. Private Part

  398. Purple-Headed Yogurt Slinger

  399. Purple-Helmeted Trouser Snake

  400. Purple-Helmeted Warrior Of Love

  401. Purple-Helmeted Yogurt Thrower

  402. Python

  403. Quiver Bone

  404. Ramrod

  405. Ranger

  406. Rascal

  407. Red-Capped Mushroom

  408. Rod

  409. Root Of Jesse

  410. Rude Boy

  411. Sausage

  412. Scepter

  413. Schlong

  414. Schwanz

  415. Schwanzstucker

  416. Schwetty Balls

  417. Scooby Snack

  418. Screwdriver

  419. Scrod

  420. Sea Monster

  421. Secret Weapon

  422. Shaft

  423. Shillelagh

  424. Shiv

  425. Shlong

  426. Skin Flute

  427. Skinner

  428. Slingblade

  429. Slug

  430. Slugger

  431. Smacker

  432. Snake

  433. Snapper

  434. Soldier

  435. Spam Javelin

  436. Spear

  437. Speed Bump

  438. Speedboat

  439. Spigot

  440. Spigot Of Love

  441. Spitstick

  442. Spitter

  443. Sponge

  444. Spongebob

  445. Sprout

  446. Spunk Gun

  447. Spurt Gun

  448. Squirt Gun

  449. Staff

  450. Stallion

  451. Stand

  452. Stand Up

  453. Starfruit

  454. Stick

  455. Stiffie

  456. Stiffy

  457. Stinger

  458. Stock

  459. Stone

  460. Stone Of David

  461. Stonehenge

  462. Stonker

  463. Stopper

  464. Striker

  465. Stump

  466. Submarine

  467. Sugar Stick

  468. Super Soaker

  469. Supercock

  470. Surfboard

  471. Swamp Lizard

  472. Swansong

  473. Sweetmeat

  474. Swiss Army Penis

  475. Swizzle Stick

  476. Sword

  477. Tabasco

  478. Tadger

  479. Tall Tommy

  480. Tally

  481. Tallywacker

  482. Tallywhacker

  483. Tang

  484. Tank

  485. Tapa

  486. Tassle

  487. Tasty Pastry

  488. Tater

  489. Tazmanian Devil

  490. Tea Stick

  491. Telescoping Tower

  492. Tent Peg

  493. Testosterbone

  494. The Anaconda

  495. The Baton

  496. The Big Guy

  497. The Big Vein

  498. The Bishop

  499. The Blue-Veined Custard Chucker

  500. The Chopper

  501. The Cone

  502. The Conga

  503. The Cyclops

  504. The Ding Dong

  505. The Dipstick

  506. The Dong

  507. The Driver

  508. The Dude Piston

  509. The Eye Of The Needle

  510. The Family Jewels

  511. The Flagpole

  512. The Flesh Flute

  513. The Flesh Rocket

  514. The Fleshy Tripod

  515. The Fuck Stick

  516. The Fun Rod

  517. The Grower

  518. The Head

  519. The Heat-Seeking Moisture Missile

  520. The Hose

  521. The Joystick

  522. The King

  523. The Knob

  524. The Love Muscle

  525. The Magic Wand

  526. The Main Vein

  527. The Male Member

  528. The Man In The Boat

  529. The Meat Whistle

  530. The Member

  531. The Middle Leg

  532. The Mighty Mite

  533. The Old Boy

  534. The Old Man

  535. The One-Eyed Captain

  536. The One-Eyed Monster

  537. The One-Eyed Snake

  538. The One-Eyed Wonder Worm

  539. The Package

  540. The Peen

  541. The Peeper

  542. The Pendulum

  543. The Peter

  544. The Pink Cigar

  545. The Pink Oboe

  546. The Pipe

  547. The Piston

  548. The Pleasure Pole

  549. The Poker

  550. The Pole

  551. The Pork Sword

  552. The Prick

  553. The Purple-Helmeted Warrior

  554. The Purple-Helmeted Warrior Of Love

  555. The Python

  556. The Rocket

  557. The Rod

  558. The Salami

  559. The Sausage

  560. The Schlong

  561. The Scoop

  562. The Shaft

  563. The Shotgun

  564. The Skin Flute

  565. The Snake

  566. The Spitter

  567. The Staff Of Life

  568. The Stick

  569. The Stiff One

  570. The Stinger

  571. The Stonker

  572. The Sword

  573. The Third Leg

  574. The Tool

  575. The Trouser Snake

  576. The Tube Steak

  577. The Unit

  578. The Wang

  579. The Weasel

  580. The Wedge

  581. The Wee-Wee

  582. The Weenie

  583. The Whopper

  584. The Wiener

  585. The Wiggle Stick

  586. The Willy

  587. The Wingwang

  588. The Womb Raider

  589. The Wonder Worm

  590. The Woody

  591. The Worm

  592. Thingy

  593. Third Leg

  594. Thorn

  595. Thrill Drill

  596. Throb Knob

  597. Throbber

  598. Throbbing Gristle

  599. Thumper

  600. Thunderbird

  601. Thunderbolt

  602. Thunderstick

  603. Tic Tac

  604. Tickle Pickle

  605. Tickler

  606. Tiger

  607. Tiki

  608. Timber

  609. Time Machine

  610. Tingler

  611. Tinker

  612. Tinkerbell

  613. Tip

  614. Tip Drill

  615. Tip Of The Iceberg

  616. Tipper

  617. Tissue

  618. Titan

  619. Toad

  620. Toadstool

  621. Todger

  622. Toe

  623. Tool

  624. Tooly

  625. Tooter

  626. Toothpick

  627. Tootsie Roll

  628. Top Gun

  629. Torch

  630. Tower

  631. Tower Of Power

  632. Tractor Beam

  633. Trafalgar

  634. Treasure

  635. Tree Trunk

  636. Tri-Pod

  637. Trinket

  638. Trombone

  639. Trouser Snake

  640. Trousersnake

  641. Trumpet

  642. Truncheon

  643. Trunk

  644. Tuba

  645. Tube

  646. Tummy Banana

  647. Tuna Can

  648. Tuna Torpedo

  649. Turgid Trouser Snake

  650. Turgid Turtle

  651. Turkey

  652. Turkey Baster

  653. Turkey Neck

  654. Turnip

  655. Turtle

  656. Turtleneck

  657. Tusk

  658. Twanger

  659. Twig

  660. Twig And Berries

  661. Twinkie

  662. Twinky

  663. Twister

  664. Two Ball Cane

  665. Two Veg And Meat

  666. Two-Legged Boa

  667. Two-Legged Tripod

  668. Twonker

  669. Umbrella Handle

  670. Uncircumcised Wonder

  671. Uncle

  672. Uncle Dick

  673. Uncle John

  674. Unit

  675. Unmentionables

  676. Uzi

  677. Vainilla

  678. Vainilla Stick

  679. Valiant Vein

  680. Veggie

  681. Vein

  682. Vein Train

  683. Vein-Cutter

  684. Vein-Erect

  685. Veined Custard Launcher

  686. Veinmaster 3000

  687. Veiny Victor

  688. Veinzilla

  689. Velvet Sword

  690. Vessel

  691. Vienna Sausage

  692. Viking Horn

  693. Viking Staff

  694. Vindicator

  695. Vinegar

  696. Violin

  697. Virility

  698. Vixen

  699. Vodka

  700. Volcano

  701. Wally

  702. Wand

  703. Wand Of Light

  704. Wang

  705. Wang Dang Doodle

  706. Wanger

  707. Wangle

  708. Wangsta

  709. Wanker

  710. Wankie

  711. War Club

  712. Warrior

  713. Weapon

  714. Weapon Of Ass Destruction

  715. Weapon Of Mass Destruction

  716. Weapon Of Mass Seduction

  717. Wedge

  718. Wee-Wee

  719. Weenie

  720. Weewee

  721. Weiner

  722. Wenis

  723. Wet Noodle

  724. Whacker

  725. Whammer

  726. Whang

  727. Whangdoodle

  728. Wheenie

  729. Whip

  730. Whistle

  731. White Gold

  732. White Mamba

  733. Whoopie Stick

  734. Whopper Jr.

  735. Widget

  736. Wiener

  737. Wiener Schnitzel

  738. Wiggle Stick

  739. Wiggle Worm

  740. Wiggler

  741. Wiggly

  742. William

  743. Willow

  744. Willpower

  745. Willy

  746. Willy The One-Eyed Wonder Worm

  747. Willy Wonka

  748. Wing Wong

  749. Wing-Wang

  750. Wingman

  751. Winkie

  752. Winky

  753. Winnebago

  754. Winner

  755. Winston

  756. Winston Churchill

  757. Wintermelon

  758. Wisdom Wand

  759. Wise Man

  760. Wishbone

  761. Wizard Sleeve

  762. Wonder Worm

  763. Wood

  764. Woodpecker

  765. Woody

  766. Worm

  767. Wormhole

  768. Wormy

  769. Wrecking Ball

  770. Wriggler

  771. Wriggly

  772. Wrinkle

  773. Wrinklepump

  774. Wrist Rocket

  775. Wyvern

  776. X-Factor

  777. Xylophone

  778. Yad

  779. Yak

  780. Yam

  781. Yam Bag

  782. Yams

  783. Yang

  784. Yankee Doodle

  785. Yard

  786. Yardstick

  787. Yawing Yowie

  788. Yearling

  789. Yellow

  790. Yellow Belly

  791. Yellow Dart

  792. Yellow Dragon

  793. Yellow Peril

  794. Yellow Sausage

  795. Yellow Submarine

  796. Yen

  797. Yew

  798. Ygdrasil's Staff

  799. Yin-Yang Serpent

  800. Yingyang

  801. Yippie

  802. Yipsicle

  803. Yo-Yo

  804. Yob

  805. Yobbo

  806. Yoda

  807. Yoga Stick

  808. Yoghurt Cannon

  809. Yoghurt Gun

  810. Yoghurt Pistol

  811. Yogurt

  812. Yogurt Hose

  813. Yogurt Slinger

  814. Yogurt Thrower

  815. Yolk

  816. Yolkstick

  817. Yolky Poke

  818. Yoni

  819. Yoni Stick

  820. Youth

  821. Yoyo

  822. Yuca

  823. Yule Log

  824. Yum Yum

  825. Yum-Yum

  826. Yummy

  827. Zapper

  828. Zealot

  829. Zebedee

  830. Zebracorn Horn

  831. Zebu

  832. Zen

  833. Zephyr

  834. Zeppelin

  835. Zesty Italian

  836. Zeus

  837. Ziggurat

  838. Zigzag

  839. Zilla

  840. Zinger

  841. Zipper

  842. Zipper Ripper

  843. Zipper Snake

  844. Zippy

  845. Ziz

  846. Zog

  847. Zombie

  848. Zombie Maker

  849. Zombie Stick

  850. Zonker

  851. Zoom Stick

  852. Zoombini

  853. Zoomer

  854. Zoot Stick

  855. Zorro

  856. Zucchini

  857. Zygmunt Freud

  858. Zygote Poker

  859. Zygotene

(SOURCE: Giggeli, 2025)


Share Your Favorite Nicknames

Have a nickname to add? Share it in the comments below! Who knows? Yours might make it into the expanding glossary of penis greatness.

And while we’re on the subject, check out Willy Wipes—designed to keep your “baton” in tip-top shape. Because no matter what you call it, a clean “willy” is a happy one.


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